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Guilt-Free Creamy Mash.. That's Actually Creamy!

I've discovered a great way to get your mash potato creamy but without using milk or butter and i'm so obsessed!

Whilst you're potatoes are boiling away until their soft & fluffy, begin boiling your kettle and in a measuring jug add 1 vegetable stock cube and 200ml of boiling water from your kettle and stir well (typically for 250g of chopped potatoes I would use 200ml of boiling water).

Once your potatoes are ready, drain well and mash away whilst gradually pouring in the vegetable stock mixture. You should start to see the potatoes absoring the stock and beginning to become foamy & creamy, keep mashing until there are no solid bits of potato and you should now see a nice creamy mash being formed!!

The stock not only creams your mash but it tastes delicious!

I hope you enjoy this little trick as much as I do !

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