Carbonara but without the cream!
Like most people I absolutely love a good old creamy pasta dish, but when your trying to be good and keep those pounds off cream just isn't you're friend. I used to really miss dinner's like this when keeping to a strict diet and that's one thing I've learnt through my whole weightloss journey is not to deprive yourelf of something but to find an alternative that satisfices you just as much, that way you never feel like your missing out.
It becomes less of a diet but more a lifestyle change.
Less of the inspirational talk more about the food...
Everyone thinks that traditional spaghetti carbonara uses cream, but actually that's a complete myth probably created by many restuarant menus. Traditional spaghetti carbonata which originated from Rome use a lot of eggs, cheese & panchetta. It's the trick of not overcooking the eggs which allow you to have that creamy glossy texture.

In order to make this dish as healthy as possible I use bacon medallions instead of panchetta as there's less visible fat. I also add chestnut mushrooms to my carbonara as I find they give off a little juice which all add texture so it doesnt become dry, also giving off that smoky/chestnut flavour rather than just normal closed cup mushrooms.
Looks delicious doesn't it????
Recipe is now available on the recipe wall, please dont forget to leave any comments if you try this dish. I'd love to hear you're feedback!!
Buon Apettito!!