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6 Easy steps to cutting an onion like a pro

The words 'finely diced onion' used to fill me with dread when I would read recipes. If it wasn't for the fact my make-up would be half way down my face by the time I'd finished chopping it would be because I actually had no idea what I was doing - The onion would be falling apart and by the time I'd given up it would be more bite size pieces than 'finely diced'.

Me and a friend went to a cookery school recently and it was there that we were taught how to cut an onion properly. You know when you think "ohhhh that's how they do it", yeah you'll get that once you've finished reading this.

I've broken it down into 6 easy steps for you to follow and with a little practice you'll be chopping an onion like a pro in no time.

1.Chop the top of the onion, leaving the root end remaining

2. Cut the onion in half

3. Remove the brown layer

4. Make 2-3 horizontal cuts (depending on the size of the onion), slice almost all the way through to the root but not quite so the onion stays in tact.

5. Now make vertical 'stick like' cuts but again not going all the way through

6. Dice by slicing across the onion making your way towards the root and then discard root when finished.

Your welcome :)

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