Low fat cake? I'll take it
So I thought I would make a change to my usual main meal recipes and do a little baking! Whilst I'm no Mary Berry, I do make a mean banana bread.
Since christmas it has been so hard to stay clear of the cakes, chocolate, crisps, biscuits (ok i'll stop my mouth is watering completely defeating the object). I dont think there is ever such a thing as a cake that's actually "good" for you but if I can have a healthier version and still be able to enjoy it then i'm happy! Lets be honest, how many of you think "It's healthy so I can have two slices". Yep been there too, the only person your trying to convince is yourself - sorry! Dont feel to downhearted, it's not all bad news - I'm hoping my version of a "Healthier" Banana cake fulfills those cravings we all get when we just need cake.
There's nothing worse than having something that's healthier and it actually tasting so rank that you go and grab that mars bar anyway.
Luckily (I think!), this recipe is so delicious and moist you dont feel as guilty having a slice of cake. Even better when you need to use up those banana's in your fruit bowl.
Ive made this a few times now for friends, family and work colleagues and it's very popular. Although what cake isnt?